Enroll Now

    • Date of Birth*

    • Transmission Type*


    • Licence Details :

      Please provide your licence details. You will require a Licence for driving lessons.


    • What type of licence do you have?*

      Provisional LicenceFull Automatic LicenceFull LicenceForeign Licence

    • Please enter your driving licence number

    • Provide details of Theory and/or Practical Driving Tests :

    • Theory Test

      None takenPreviously failedTest bookedPassed

    • Practical Driving Test

      None takenPreviously failedTest bookedPassed

    • If you have an upcoming Theory and/or Practical Driving Test, please select below:

      Theory testDriving testNothing booked at the moment

    • If you have already your Practical Driving Test booked, please provide booking reference number, test date, time and test centre:

    • Driving experience :

    • Please enter any information regarding your previous driving experience, such as when you last drove and approximately how many hours of practice you have.*

    • Please indicate your available days/time for lessons*

      Parents or Guardian's name

    • Parent or Guardian's Email address

      Parent or Guardian's Contact Phone Number